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KOPLAS Parking information

Please check out the location, parking rate and informations about parking before visiting KOPLAS 2021 show.


Parking Rate

  Section Parking Rate
General Rate Passenger Cars and Vans
Lorries (under 2.5 ton)
Standard (30 min) : KRW 1,500
Every additional 10 minutes : KRW 500
Lorries (2.5 ton or over),
Bus ( 25 seater or larger)
Standard (30 min) : KRW 3,000
Every additional 10 minutes : KRW 1,000
(Daily Rate)
00:00 ~ 24:00
Passenger Cars, Vans, Lorries (2.5 ton) : KRW 12,000
Lorries ( 2.5 ton or over), Bus (25 seater or larger) : KRW 24,000
General Rate(Unloading dock) Passenger Cars, Vans, Lorries (All) Standard (30 min) : KRW 1,500
Every additional 10 min : KRW 500
Bus (25 seater or larger) Standard (30 min) : KRW 3,000
Every additional 10 minutes : KRW 1,000
(Daily Rate)
00:00 ~ 24:00
Passenger Cars, Vans, Lorries (All) : KRW 12,000
Bus (25 seater or larger) : KRW 24,000
Discount or No Charge Vehicles of Disabled Persons, Vehicles of Persons of Merit 50% off
Compact / Electronic / Hybrid Cars
Vehicles of Exhibitors Vehicles of Related Businesses
(When parking for 3 days or more)
Passenger Cars, Vans, Small-size Lorries : KRW 8,000/day
Large-size Lorries, Bus : KRW 16,000/day
Vehicles Accessing Unloading Dock
(Exhibition and Event Vehicles)
Free for two hours a day
※ for unloading dock use only
  • No duplicate discounts are allowed.
  • A 30-min parking grace time applies when using the free collection machine in the lobby.
  • Parking fees will not be charged for the first 20 minutes of the parking. After 20 minutes has expired, a 40 minute standard fee will be charged.